New technologies to search for new phenomena in particle physics

fall semester 2019
Educational part of the Project «Prospective Technological, Methodical and Material Solutions for New Physical Effects Searches»
Educational part of the Project «Prospective Technological, Methodical and Material Solutions for New Physical Effects Searches»

The educational program is:
• inter-disciplinary: high energy physics / material science / IT
• open to every interested person and free
• international: in partnership with CERN and some other world-leading research centers.
Описание проекта на русском языке
Приглашаем вас принять участие в образовательной программе «Новые технологии для поиска новых физических эффектов» 2019/2020 учебного года. Старт программы: 02 октября 2019 года, 17:30. Программа состоит из 20 занятий с октября 2019 года по апрель 2020 года. Занятия сосредоточены на трёх основных темах:

  • Физика фундаментальных свойств материи;
  • Физика взаимодействия излучений и частиц с веществом и детекторные технологии;
  • Принципы получения, обработки и анализа физических данных».

Занятия проходят раз в неделю по средам с 17:30 до 20:30 на английском языке. Каждое занятие состоит из общеобразовательной лекции и учебно-научной работы над конкретным проектом. Занятия проводят сотрудники ЦЕРН и профессора ведущих вузов-партнёров программы, таких как Imperial College of London, University «Federico II» of Naples, University of Zurich, EPFL. Слушатели, успешно сдавшие экзамен в апреле 2020 года, получат сертификат о прохождении курса, а также возможность поступления в аспирантуру по тематике курса к руководителям – лекторам программы.

Программа открыта для всех желающих, и будет наиболее интересна студентам-физикам и инженерам старших курсов, планирующим продолжить обучение в аспирантуре в 2020 году. Мы будем рады видеть также участников программы прошлого учебного года, поскольку программа 2019/2020 учебного года будет содержать ряд отличий от прошлогодней программы. Участие бесплатное, но необходима электронная предварительная регистрация. Зарегистрироваться можно до 30 сентября 2019 года. Подробное расписание лекций будет опубликовано в сентябре. Рекомендуем уже сейчас зарегистрироваться, чтобы быть в курсе новостей программы и первыми получить расписание. Участие в программе позволит вам не только узнать много нового и интересного, но и даст возможность стать членом активной международной команды исследователей, работающих над захватывающими проблемами в CERN и в других исследовательских центрах мира. Мы надеемся, что многие из участников программы продолжат работу над проектами CERN, в частности, в экспериментальных коллаборациях LHCb и SHiP. Другие, несомненно, найдут применение полученным знаниям в индустриальной сфере.

И last but not least – вы наверняка улучшите свой английский. Ждём вас в НИТУ «МИСиС»!
Full program
Our speakers
  • Andrey Golutvin
    The Leader of the SHiP Experiment at CERN
    Professor Andrey Golutvin is Chair in Physics at Imperial College London. As an expert in particle physics working in the area for more than 30 years, he contributed or continues to contribute to a number of large international collaborations, including ARGUS (DESY) and LHCb (CERN), which he was heading in 2008-2011. Starting from 2013 Professor A. Golutvin is the spokesperson of the SHiP collaboration at CERN.
  • Richard Jacobsson
    Technical coordinator
    Dr. Richard Jacobsson is a Senior Staff Physicist at CERN. His current research activities concentrates on the LHCb experiment where he was responsible for the commissioning and operation during 7 years, and on the newly proposed Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) experiment at the CERN SPS accelerator. Dr Jacobsson is one of the principal proponents and Technical Coordinator of the SHiP experiment.
  • Giovanni De Lellis
    University of Naples
    INFN WP3 project leader
    Giovanni De Lellis is Professor of experimental physics at the University "Federico II" of Naples and he has been affiliated to the Italian Institute for Nuclear Research (INFN) over the last twenty years. He was appointed Spokesperson of the OPERA experiment in 2012 and re-elected for a second mandate in 2015 when he announced the discovery of tau neutrino appearance in a muon neutrino beam. He is leading the efforts for the neutrino detector of the SHiP experiment and the proposal for a directional Dark Matter search with a nuclear emulsion detector and novel readout technologies.
  • Andrey Ustyuzhanin
    Head of Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis at NRU HSE and Yandex School of Data Analysis
    His team contributes to frontier research international collaborations: LHCb - collaboration at Large Hadron Collider, SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles) - experiment being designed for the New Physics discovery. His group is unique for both collaborations, since majority of the team members are coming from the Computer and Data Science worlds. The major priority of his research is the design of new Machine Learning methods and using them to solve tough scientific enigmas thus improving the fundamental understanding of our world. Discovering the deeper truth about the Universe by applying data analysis methods is the major source of inspiration in Andrey's lifelong journey. Andrey is co-author of the course on the Machine Learning applied to the High Energy Physics at Yandex School of Data Analysis and organises annual international summer schools following the similar topics.
  • Nico Sera
    University of Zurich
    Physics coordinator
    Nico Serra is Professor at the University of Zurich and group leader of the Experimental Flavour Physics group. He has been one of the initiators of the SHiP experiment and he is also member of the LHCb experiment. In LHCb he has been main proponent of several important analyses, including the first measurement of the so-called B0 → K*μμ anomaly. He was awarded several prestigious grants, including the SNF Professorship in 2013, and the SNF Starting Grant in 2016.
  • Shevchenko Vladimir
    Doctor of Science,
    NRC "Kurchatov Institute" / NUST «MISiS»
    Vladimir Shevchenko 's scientific interests include high energy physics, quantum materials physics, particle detector physics, and quantum limits of information handling. He received a number of results in the field of physics of strong interactions, marked by the State prize of the Russian Federation for young scientists for outstanding works in the field of science and technology of 2003. Since 2008 Vladimir has been a member of the LHCb collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Under his leadership in 2014-2018, the Russian development team created a production infrastructure, improved technology and organized the manufacture of detector modules of large tracking detectors based on scintillation fibers (the project SciFi was a part of the modernization of the LHCb experiment). Since 2015 he has been co-coordinator of Russian participation in the SHiP experiment at CERN.

    In 2009 he initiated (together with A.Golutvin) contacts between Yandex and CERN in order to study the prospects of using both the advanced IT-developments of CERN for the main activities of Yandex and the products of Yandex in the works carried out at CERN. He has given a number of master 's and postgraduate courses, and has repeatedly delivered science-popular lectures to various audiences.

  • Mitesh Patel
    Reader in Particle Physics
    Imperial College London / NUST MISiS
    The main research of Dr. Patel is concentrated on data analysis of LHCb experiment on the Large Hadron Collider in CERN. Mitesh Patel is a specialist in the field of search of rare decays of beauty particles (that is containing a heavy b-quark in the structure), in 2012-2014 he headed the working group "Rare Decays" in LHCb. Under its guidance a number of world-class tests of the Standard model were made. In particular, he played an important role in receiving one of the most significant results of an experiment of LHCb – detection of super-rare decay of a strange B-meson on a muon – anti-muon pair. Dr. Patel is a member of the international group of data fitting on heavy quark flavours (HFAG). It developed new inclusive algorithms of reconstruction of events with a neutrino in a final state and also studied application of the software of the Yandex company for search of rare decays.
    Within an upgrade of LHCb Dr. Patel together with colleagues from Imperial College London works on improvement of the Cherenkov detector RICH. Also he takes active part in development of design of a new experiment SHiP oriented to search of particles of the so-called "hidden sector".
  • Elena Graverini
    Elena is a scientific collaborator at the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL). She is studying rare decays of B mesons in order to establish whether these are lepton universal, or if they are mediated by yet undiscovered particles beyond the Standard Model.
    Elena graduated in Experimental Particle Physics in Italy, with research projects ranging from the development of innovative detectors to the design of a trigger system for rare kaon decays. She then received a Ph.D. degree at the University of Zurich, following her extensive contributions to the design of the SHiP experiment, and her search for deviations from the Standard Model prediction using semileptonic decays of beauty mesons recorded by the LHCb experiment.
  • Antonia Di Crescenz
    Assistant professor - University of Naples and INFN
    Antonia Di Crescenzo is Assistant Professor at the University of Naples "Federico II" and she is affiliated to the Italian Institute for Nuclear Research (INFN).
    In 2013 she defended her PhD thesis on the search for neutrino oscillations in the OPERA experiment under the supervision of Professor Giovanni De Lellis.
    Antonia is currently active in the SHiP experiment where she is responsible of the Tau Neutrino and Light Dark Matter physics planning group.
  • Konstantinos Petridis
    Senior Lecturer
    University of Bristol / NUST MISiS
    Kostas Petridis' main interests are in the field of searches of physics beyond the Standard Model. As a member of the LHCb collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Dr. Petridis is involved in the search for rare decay of beauty particles (i.e. containing a heavy b-quark). In addition to this, he is a member of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), a collaboration focused on the study of neutrino properties, and is also a member of the CERN Physics Beyond Colliders working group. Since 2015 Kostas Petridis has taken part in the collaboration SHiP. Dr Petridis has extensive teaching experience, teaching a number of general education and special courses at the University of Bristol and at other universities.
  • Oliver Lantwin
    PostDoc at the University of Zürich / NUST MISiS
    Oliver is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Zurich. He completed his MSci at Imperial College London in 2015 studying rare decays with the LHCb experiment. Continuing at Imperial College, he got involved in the design of SHiP — a proposed experiment searching for super-weakly interacting new particles beyond the Standard Model. He completed his PhD on the optimisation of the SHiP experimental design with a focus on the active muon shield in 2019. Now at the University of Zurich he resumes his work on LHCb, studying the lepton flavour universality of rare decays, while continuing to work towards realising the SHiP experiment.
  • Sergey Shirobokov
    PhD student at Imperial College London
    Sergey Shirobokov graduated from the Department of Physics of Moscow State University in 2015. Currently, Sergey is a PhD student at Imperial College London and a student at the Yandex School of Data Analysis. He has been involved in the simulation of the neutrino detector at the SHiP experiment. Sergey is also responsible for the application of machine learning techniques in searches for a Dark Matter in the detector. In 2009 he initiated (together with A.Golutvin) contacts between Yandex and CERN in order to study the prospects of using both the advanced IT-developments of CERN for the main activities of Yandex and the products of Yandex in the works carried out at CERN. He has given a number of master 's and postgraduate courses, and has repeatedly delivered science-popular lectures to various audiences.

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