Leadership in Science and Technology program
The NUST MISIS Leadership in Science and Technology program

How do leaders do it? What are the attributes of good leaders? How do good leaders achieve their vision? How is coaching subordinates to the advantage of the group? Studying these questions can help us become or identify a successful leader.

From the cradle to the grave, leaders play a key role in our lives. Parents educate us to make sense of our world, and more importantly, to survive. Teachers awaken our curiosity and stimulate our interests. But even after an advanced education has taught us how to learn by ourselves, we still turn to leaders for inspiration and motivation. This is particularly true in Science and Technology, which have become so specialized that we need guidance to progress in the field of our interest.

When choosing a career in Science and Technology we are educated to do science, not to become leaders. This can result in unsatisfactory leadership. The objective of this program is to prepare future Scientific Leaders by providing the missing link between a scientific education and leadership training.

A set of highly qualified international lecturers will share their experience as leaders of large groups of specialized scientific and technological activities.

In addition to following the lectures, participants will have the opportunity to interact informally with the lecturers after each lecture.

The synopsis
Eric van Herwijnen, MISiS
Andrei Golutvin, MISiS & Imperial College
Yandex CEO
Vladimir Shevchenko, rector of MEPhI
National University of Science and Technology MISIS
As Russia's leading University for Science and Technology, NUST "MISiS" is an an ideal position to offer this lecture series. It has a unique combination of researches active in fundamental science as well as technology and has access to a wide network of international collaborators.
National University of Science and Technology MISIS
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